dYdX crypto price prediction

Of the top 100 cryptocurrencies by capitalization, dYdX showed the largest increase over the past day – 34%.

How exactly to use such information? Just buy some coins directly on the exchange, or put a pair with DYDX to trade in the bot, waiting for growth.

Let’s observe the DYDX coin. For example, I say that from today’s price of 17.9 usdt, it will rise until the X-mas for sure.

My prerequisite:

  1. I noticed it right away, from the news and it keeps growing.
  2. DYDX is the proprietary token of the decentralized cryptocurrency exchange dYdX, which supports margin trading and open-ended futures trading.
  3. It has a frequency by Semrush. It is an odd parameter, but I assume that the presence of frequency before listing is a good sign. You can check the Gala graphs. It’s an indirect sign, indicating the anticipation of the coin’s release and the presence of an audience.
  4. Having a coin with its own platform like a game or a clear area of application like an exchange greatly shields it from the influence of bitcoin, and there are quite a few of them.
DYDX price prediction

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